Letter from the Sanctuary
In the belly & egg symbology
February 2025 Edition
Hello Brave Ones,
We find ourselves at the threshold of Imbolc, the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. In Old Irish, Imbolc means, “in the belly”, referring to the stirring of life within the womb of our Mother Earth. There is also a stirring happening within us, a quickening within our bellies and fire within, promising renewal and rebirth. It is not yet spring, or the time for the birth of the new, but now is the time that we can nurture our flame by focusing on that which brings us joy.
A beautiful way to tend to your inner flame this month of February, is to follow that which brings you pleasure, bliss and beauty into your life as much as possible. I have been practicing this for the last few years, and to be honest, it has been challenging to give myself permission to that which feels like indulgence, but it is so incredibly supportive. To follow your bliss informs what naturally brings you alive, and in turn, informs what actions we take in the world. I have decided this year to create a list of things that bring me joy to incorporate daily. This practice feeds your inner flame, your inner child, and will ultimately inform what is being created and eventually birthed into the world when we begin a new cycle in the spring.
This winter (and the last few years, let’s be honest) has taken many of us through the depths of transformation and transition. Many of us are finding ourselves in a liminal space, no longer connected to what used to bring us joy or who we used to be. A practice of following your bliss, can support you in meeting this new version of yourself. Follow what FEELS GOOD to you. Here in Southwest Colorado, we are very much still in winter mode, many of us feeling anxious for spring to arrive 🙋🏼♀️. But how can we deepen into the present, focusing on alchemizing this time to be the most blissful month of all? I think of hot water (baths, hot spring adventures), massages, creating nourishing creamy cacao elixirs by my warm fire, slow walks in nature with no time constraint, waking up early with candle light, dancing around my house, creating, dreaming, etc, etc, etc!
As we focus on the inner flame in our bellies this month, I thought it would also be a great time to share more about the powerful symbology of the Egg. The Harmonic Egg inventor, Gail Lynn, didn’t just randomly decide to create an acoustic chamber in the shape of an Egg. Oh no, this was actually very intentional and here is why.
“Eggs have long been revered for their spiritual significance, symbolising rebirth, renewal, and the potential for transformation. They carry the energy of fertility and new beginnings, reminding us of the power to start anew and embrace opportunities in our lives. Just as a chick hatches from an egg, we too can break through our limitations and emerge into a new and vibrant existence. The egg serves as a powerful metaphor for the process of personal growth, presenting us with the opportunity to shed old patterns and beliefs, and to embrace our true potential. But the spiritual significance of eggs extends beyond their representation of rebirth. They also embody the concept of balance and wholeness. Just like an egg has two parts – the yolk and the white – we too have light and shadow aspects within us. It is through integrating both the light and the dark that we find spiritual harmony and a sense of completeness.
Furthermore, eggs serve as a powerful symbol of protection and divine support. When we hold an egg in our hands, we are reminded of the presence of a higher power guiding us on our spiritual journey. They remind us to trust in the divine plan and have faith in the process of life.”
Sacred geometry + light + color + sound create a portal of remembrance within the Harmonic Egg. During this time of transition, shedding and remembering, come be held within the embrace of the Egg, within yourself and within the belly of Mother Earth. My prayer is that we prioritise ourselves each and every day and tend to our hearts. It is needed now more than ever.
Blissful blessings,
Letter from the Sanctuary
October 2024 Edition
As the glorious fall colors fade into their final farewell I find myself feeling a little melancholy. Sometimes I wish it would last forever. The fall is truly my favorite time of year. I remind myself that to really appreciate something we must lose it so now as we approach the colder, darker days of winter, my appreciation turns to a cozy fire, candles, warm blankets and the light of a full moon on freshly fallen snow.
When Calley and I made the leap to start a business with the Harmonic Egg®️, we most appreciated the warm welcome we received from Gail Lynn, the inventor and owner of the Harmonic Egg®️. We knew from the start we were entering into a relationship with a caring, authentic human being truly dedicated to spreading love and raising the vibration of humanity one soul at a time. We are now among a family of “Egg Guardians”, mostly women, from all over the world held in a network of support and encouragement from Gail and each other.
Gail works tirelessly to educate and spread the good news of the effects sound and light frequencies have on health and wellbeing. We want to share with you her latest endeavor of creating and producing this educational documentary exploring “the untapped potential of frequency healing”.
The film is free to watch HERE. Ps. It’s really good and it’s not too long:)
“This film calls for a paradigm shift, urging us to reawaken to our spiritual reality, reclaim our connection to the Earth and each other, and remember the collective power we hold to heal and co-create. As more people around the world awaken to the truth that division and fear no longer serve us, “It’s Time” offers a powerful message: the path to healing, renewal, and a new world is within reach—if we have the courage to listen, reconnect, and choose love.”
Watch the Trailer HERE
Remember, as we head into “sick season”, you have the power to be healthy and vital when you take control over your own body, mind and emotions. Trust your body. Don’t give in to fear. Nurture and nourish yourself and anchor into a season of wellness instead.
We are here to support your wellness journey. Don’t forget the kids either. They are most vulnerable this time of year. The Harmonic Egg®️ can support the entire family in achieving balance and harmony.
Warmly, Mona
Letter from the Sanctuary
August 2024 Edition
May this find you deep in abundant harvest of all that has manifested in your life.
Intentionally or not, new seeds were sown in the spring as each one of us emerged from our winter cocoons and stepped into the embrace of full summer expression. Now, as we approach shorter days and feel hints of autumn in the cool morning air, we begin to take inventory and CELEBRATE all that has blossomed and taken root deep within our lives, our bodies and the Earth. We begin to note what is to be harvested and stored within us moving forward and what is meant to go to seed once again, creating rich soil to nourish the next cycle.
So as the wheel of the year turns and we approach Autumnal Equinox, I’ve been contemplating living from a place of intention versus expectation. Expectations (externally focused) often set us up for disappointment, creating a fixed outcome and closing ourselves off from our bodies and the present moment. Intentions (internally driven) on the other hand, create an opening. Intentions come from within, and open ourselves to the place of emergence within all realms of existence.
The invitation prior to an Egg session is to create a clear intention. That intention is taken into the Egg; an encapsulated space where the energy of the Egg intermingles with only your frequency and no outside influences. Dr. Dominique Surel, Harmonic Egg collaborator shares, “The Egg is so clean psychically and bio- energetically, that it connects you into the perfect template of the human you could be health-wise. The beauty of the Egg is that it immediately calibrates itself to the unique human being that is inside. That is why it is so powerful. It has taken the principles of alchemy and one of the most important components of alchemy is human intention. Intention plays a role on so many different levels.”
“Healing, calming, eye-opening and, at times, emotional is how I would describe my remote sessions with Harmonic Earth Sanctuary (and the Harmonic Egg). I communicated with both Mona and Calley initially, and both of them showed concern and compassion for me and my situation. Calley did an amazing job of guiding and helping me to identify emotions and past experiences which have impacted my health and my present mindset. Calley has a soothing and comforting way about her and it is obvious that she has a true passion to support her clients on their path to better mental and physical health. I highly recommend Harmonic Earth Sanctuary. I’m from Indiana and the remote sessions were very beneficial to me, so I feel that no matter where you reside in the world, the remote sessions will benefit you also and lead you on the path to better health or to attain your personal goals.”
I’ve observed that those who have more than one session in the Egg begin to notice the capacity of their nervous system expands and allows them to be in more of an emergent dance with life rather than a reactive one. Many find themselves calmer in situations that before would have caused considerable stress and anxiety.
As our Sun begins its slow descent, we can begin ours by opening our senses to these subtle realms with intention. Go into Nature. Listen. Notice. How have I lived this summer? What frequency is being signaled from me and is it aligned with what I am calling into my life? What needs attention to be brought back into balance?
This harvest season, Harmonic Earth Sanctuary is celebrating one year being of service in our beloved Durango community. We are so grateful, honored and privileged to witness each person who walks through our door, the amazing experiences that are shared with us and the powerful transformations that occur on every level, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Loving Grace,
Letter from the Sanctuary
May 2024 Edition
What a ride we are on at this time! We are sending so much love to each and every one of you as we navigate this changing world together. I’ve spoken with many people who feel they are being tested like never before and finding themselves, myself included, in deep waters of transition, growth and expansion, grief, contraction, purification and the list goes on and on. To add to these intense emotions and experiences, let’s be real, the energy of Southwest Colorado in the summer is FULL ON. If you’re anything like me, this time of year feels like I need to be in a constant state of doing, and it takes extra effort on my part to support myself through these fiery summer months so I don’t burn out before Autumn.
We also have the wind gracing us with its presence, which tends to bring up a lot of irritation for people. A client came in a couple of weeks ago and shared how the wind was bringing up a lot of anger for him. We began gentle inquiry around the anger which led to some deep realizations he then took into his Harmonic Egg session. Thank you wind for bringing what needs to be looked at to the surface, so we can acknowledge and become aware of these parts of ourselves and live a more empowered life!
With all of this said, now more than ever seems paramount for all of us to find practices to continually and proactively bring our nervous systems into a parasympathetic state (rest and digest) as often as possible. There are many tools and modalities out there and it’s important to find one or more that feel tried and true. Personally, I find that nature is my best ally. A few weeks ago, I went on an afternoon walk and was feeling incredibly exhausted. I found a tree to lean against and grounded my bare feet on the earth.
While strolling home, I realized that I actually had MORE energy than I felt before. The herbalist in me thought, “Nature is an adaptogen!!” Adaptogens support our body to adapt to stress and ultimately restore balance. We consistently see this effect with the Harmonic Egg as well.
“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”
— Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York.
The Harmonic Egg continues to excite and amaze me each time a session has completed. For those of you who haven’t experienced a session yet, we begin with gentle inquiry into all that has been arising in your life. Clients are often able to uncover deeper emotions or feelings they have been holding or working with and feel into what is true for them. They go into the Egg with an intention, a shift in a belief or sometimes even a question they are asking their body or higher self. Music is selected specifically for you, based on what it is you are working on. The waves and tones of each instrument have affinities for certain organs and systems in the body and overall, will bring the body into a parasympathetic state. Clients report that the mind begins to stop, and insights and connections are often received. When we continue to allow the body to rest and regenerate while engulfed in the frequencies of sound, light and color, the result is greater alignment in your authenticity and the body is given an opportunity to heal itself.
We’ve added a new offering – a youth package for 0-17 year olds. Outside of nature, which we highly recommend, there are few modalities suitable to support the nervous systems of our young people. When we consider the impact of the environment on our Youth, whether home and family relationships, friends and peer groups, school, sports, social media, our kids are bombarded with messages and the pressure to conform and perform leading to emotional anxiety and stress. The Harmonic Egg is perfectly safe for all ages for re-balancing the nervous system and we’ve witnessed some beautiful transitions to more calm and peaceful states of being for those who have experienced it.
The package is shareable with all of the youth in your family. Smaller children can sit on the lap of their parent for free. You can book it here.
In these shifting times, caring for our nervous systems has become a necessity for wellness and health. Someone described the Harmonic Egg as a “massage for the soul”. We would be honored to facilitate a Harmonic Egg session for you and/or those you love and care about, including your pets. Please feel free to forward this email. Gift Certificates are available on our website too.
Wishing you a summer of fun, beauty, harmony and balance,