Letter from the Sanctuary
February 2024 Edition
It’s been 5 months since my daughter, Calley, and I opened the Harmonic Earth Sanctuary. I remember the day she called me to excitedly share a Luke Storey podcast she had just listened to with Gail Lynn, the inventor of the Harmonic Egg®️. “Mom, you need to listen to this!”. So I did and like her, I also found myself excited about this intriguing innovation as well as the woman behind it.
Fast forward, and here we are, receiving clients into our “sanctuary” in the Newman Building in downtown Durango in a beautiful 3rd floor space with wood floors, brick walls and abundant light, not to mention the most kind, supportive and enthusiastic landlord you could ever want.
The vision we continue to hold is for Harmonic Earth Sanctuary to one day be on land where we can invite people to come and experience the Harmonic Egg®️ and be immersed in Nature at the same time; the vibrations and frequencies of the Egg acting as a bridge in helping people to connect to their natural origins. For children to gather and play and to learn how to be in relation to themselves and their natural environment. For adults to slow down, rest and allow themselves to be transformed by what Nature has to teach. For She, Mother Earth, is our greatest teacher; She, who sustains us alive and asks for nothing more from us than to reciprocate by caring for Her and all of the elemental beings of Nature. For now, we are here, in this lovely space in downtown Durango, grateful for all we have been given to birth this ever-evolving vision to serve humanity in complementarity to the Mother Earth.
Little by little, our business continues to attract those who seek new and innovative ways to care for themselves in a more holistic way. Thousands of people all over the world are experiencing the powerful energetic forces of sound and light therapy to support their body’s natural ability to heal. Backed by scientific research, more and more modalities are coming online. One of the things we fell in love with when we learned of the Harmonic Egg®️ is the way in which it was consciously created based on ancient technology and sacred geometry. Even though it looks futuristic, it is actually quite simple in its form and features much like indigenous sound chambers or the ancient technologies of Egyptian pyramids. The inside is a perfect acoustical environment of raw walnut wood where the client is bathed in surround sound of consciously created music in its fully uncompressed form. There is no computer-generated music, no Bluetooth; only sounds of nature, instruments such as piano, violin, cello, flute, drums and occasionally, mantras; all delivered via speakers and a sub-woofer. That’s it! Our clients are tucked into a cozy and relaxing zero-gravity chair where they drift off into the ethers of their sub-conscious to return 50 minutes later in a state of balance and equilibrium.
Each person who comes to us does so with different wants and needs. Some are curious. Many are feeling stress and anxiety. Some desire more energy, creativity or focus. Others are dealing with physical challenges; illness, chronic issues, injuries and still others are seeking spiritual expansion. Those who seems to benefit the most are committed to holistic, preventative health. In other words, they see the value in keeping themselves grounded and in a state of balance especially today when so much of our environment is out of balance. It’s more important than ever to regulate your Autonomic Nervous System repeatedly in order to function from your center which leads to more clarity, better decision making, less stress and a greater sense of well-being.
All ages can benefit from the Egg. Our youngest client was still in the womb of their mother. Pregnancy is a perfect excuse to seek the support of the Harmonic Egg®️. Perhaps our favorite has been the teens and young adults who come with an openness to whatever wants to unfold. To witness their unbounded enthusiasm for the experience has been so rewarding! Then to see them take actions to serve their mental and emotional health as a result of the insights they received in the Egg is remarkable. They are more malleable and not so entrenched in the routines of life that they are afraid to make changes. So, if you have children experiencing physical, mental or emotional challenges, maybe think about supporting them with some sessions in the Harmonic Egg®️.
Calley and I both know from direct experience our bodies are always sending us messages and physical pain, dis-ease or illness is usually, if not always, an attempt to get us to see what needs more attention in our lives; often linked to how far we may have drifted from our authenticity. Once we remember how our bodies communicate with us, we no longer need to reach outside of ourselves for someone or some-thing to save us. The power lies within, and when we ask the right questions and the message is received and integrated, the healing can be miraculous. The Harmonic Egg®️ is an excellent source of support in amplifying the messages intended to help us regain our health. Should we choose to ignore the messages, often relayed to us very subtlety, they will get louder and louder including making us very sick or injured. Why let it get that far?
Health is not linear and it is different for everyone. For your body to function at its best, we must pay close attention to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being as a whole system. When one part (usually related to our emotions and beliefs) is out-of-whack we set ourselves up for a host of problems that will show up sooner or later. Science proves this as exemplified in Bruce Lipton’s groundbreaking book “Biology of Belief”; our cells respond to positive stimuli and a clean environment. Feed them toxins and they will respond accordingly.
If you’ve read this far, thank you. It’s difficult to say everything in a short sound bite. Perhaps we need to slow down and strengthen our attention spans again. So much context is lost or missing in quick little “posts”.
Marketers will say this is the time to give you something “free” so you will buy our product. We try to keep Harmonic Egg®️ sessions affordable for most but if you need a little incentive to give it a try, use this code FEBRUARY24 when you book a Single Session on our website: www.harmonicearthsanctuary.org. You will save $9 off the Single Session price and the code will be good for the month of March.
We hope we are providing a needed service to the Durango community and the Four Corners region. We invite you to try the Harmonic Egg®️ for yourself and please share with others who you feel may benefit. Reach out here inquire@harmonicearthsanctuary.org if you have questions.
Beauty and Blessings,